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Tithes, Offerings and contributions

Thank you for your donations, Your contributions mean so much to us.

2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Thanks for your interest in supporting the ministries of Triumph The Church And Kingdom Of God In Christ.

If you are a member of Triumph The Church And Kingdom Of God In Christ, we want to remind you that as believers we have been entrusted by God with stewardship over our finances, resources, time, and it is our privilege and responsibility to honor God by giving to His church and to others.



If you are a guest, we want to thank you for taking time out to visit our website. Although the responsibility of funding the Triumph Church is solely placed on those of us who are members, we do recognize that people, like yourself, who have visited either online or in person, have been impacted by the ministries and want to give in support of what we are doing here. If that is you, we gratefully and humbly accept your financial gift and pray that our church will continue to be a blessing to you and others.

Please feel free to  download Givelify as another means of sowing any seed of you choice.

Thank you in advance 

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